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   Stan Johansen Miniatures    
     © 2001- 2024 Stan Johansen Miniatures - All Rights Reserved

   6673 Campanilla
   Fort Pierce, FL 34951
sjjj@ix.netcom.com     Updated 5/6/24    

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28mm Buckeneers
Old Glory, Reaper, Blue Moon and Black Flag miniatures

BUC 15 $12.00


P60 $8.00


P41 $8.00


BUC 11$12.00


BUC 12 $12.00


P49 $8.00


P50 $8.00


P59 $8.00


P48 $8.00


P56 $8.00


BUC 8   $10.00


BUC 24   $15.00


BUC 30   $15.00


BUC 32   $15.00


BUC 34   $15.00



28mm Buckeneer Captains

BUC 38   $11.00
Black Beard


BUC 39   $11.00
Captain Kidd


BUC 40   $11.00
Captian Roberts


BUC 41   $11.00
Captian Morgan


BUC 42  $11.00
Calaco Jack


BUC 43   $11.00
Captian Avery


BUC 44   $11.00
Captian L'Olonnals


BUC 45   $11.00
Captian Silver


BUC 46   $11.00
Captian Bellamy


BUC 47   $11.00
Captian Low


BUC 48   $11.00
Jeanne De Clisson


BUC 49   $25.00
Captian Beelzebub


BUC 50   $25.00
Captian Barbie



28mm 3 Musketeers

MR3M002  $15.00


MR3M004  $15.00


MR3M005  $15.00


MR3M023  $15.00


MR3M007  $15.00


MR3M012  $15.00


MR3M013  $15.00


MR3M014  $15.00


MR3M024  $15.00




Stan Johansen
  6673 Campanilla
   Fort Pierce, FL 34951

Make checks or money orders to Stan Johansen
Checks must clear before order is shipped
Money orders shipped in 5 days or less
Figures may contain lead keep out of children's reach.

U.S. Postage
.01-9.99 - 7.00
10.00-49.99 - 8.00
50.00-99.99 - 9.00
100.00-199.99 - 10.00 
200.00 and up Free postage
Pay Pal orders will have postage added automatically

Priority $39.70 global priority, insured up to 200.00US against loss or damage.

Or email your order and I will give you a postage price based on the exact weight and size.