Stan Johansen Miniatures Si-Fi and Historical wargame miniatures

   Stan Johansen Miniatures     © 2001- 2024 Stan Johansen Miniatures - All Rights Reserved
   6673 Campanilla
   Fort Pierce, FL 34951
772-828-3858     Updated 10/4/24    

Home Boxer Counter Terrorist 28mm Jihad Road Warrior Road Rage Rules 28mm Road Warrior
28mm Steam Punk Star Armour Special Deals Painting Sculpting Conventions Links

HMGS RECON 2025 info to come

Stan Johansen Miniatures Lines
28mm  -  Moderns, Steampunk, Road Warriors, 28mm Colonials
20mm  -  Boxer Rebellion, Moderns and Road Warriors, 

All in Stock  -  all sets come unpainted alloy contains lead

20mm Road Warriors
36 different sets - 130 different figures, 12 Armor Pieces, 44 Weapons
and over 40 customizing pieces from hood scoops to wheels
Vehicles - 2 Motorcycle styles, Pickup and Interceptor

Gunners - Redneck  Drivers and Pasengers - Redneck gunmen
Weapons, drivers and gunners sets for your "Road Rage" and "GASLANDS" vehicles

Road Rage Rules

"Road Rage" Core Rules  -  Driving, Weapons, Firing, Armor, Damage and The "Death Race" scenario
"Road Rage" Buzzard Bikers of the Back Streets rules for Bikers and pedestrians with "The Package" scenario, 
Record sheets for motorcycles and pedestrians

"Stop the Truck" AAR from Hurricon 2016

Check out all the Combo Pack deals Save over 10-15% 
Click here to order now

 Order one of the specials and get ROAD RAGE Part 3 Truck/Big Rig rules FREE
 When you order one of the special deals below we will send you a PDF file of our Truck/Big Rig rules FREE
 these also include NEW offensive and defensive weapons rules,
 Vehicle jumps and pedestrian jumps from vehicles, buildings and overpasses.
 These are not the final version we want your input and will send you Updates as we make revisions.

Order Specials Here

 You must have the Road Rage Core Rules to use these rules

Ready for the Highway Painted Road Warrior Cars and War Rigs
We will  have 0ver 35 Vehicles all done up for your favorite Road Combat Game at RECON 2024


Death Race game photos here Recon and 
Lake Worth Militia AAR

Car Crafting 
Turn your vehicles into post apocalyptic nightmares

Road Warrior Car Crafting Some Basics part 1, 2 and 3
Including links to tool, and conversion supplies like sheet plastic etc.

Bone Shaker

28mm Modern miniatures 
Insergent sets 2 and 3

Over 150 different 28mm Modern figures 
Iraqi Civilians, police, insurgents, Iraqi Army and US troops and support weapons
Technical pickup, guns and crews for Iraq, Africa and Afghanistan
African Rebels, Israeli Defense Force
Jihad Special Deals save over 16%

Version 1.7 updated 7/31/21
Air Assault, Anti Aircraft, Strafing runs, K-9 and more added
PDF files of the Jihad Rules, Cards, Counters and Scenarios 1, 2, 3 and 4

Just added troop control sheets blank, US, ISIS, Nigerian Boko, IDF, Taliban, iraqi civilians and Police

Photos of Jihad Demo Games   -   Rescue, Raid, Oil Boom and Too Close For Comfort
RECON 2019

Photo by Bill Hogan

28mm Colonials French Sailors
Germans, US Marines, British inf and sailors, French Sailors, Generic sailors, Boxer and Imperial troops, Japanese, Russians

20mm Modern miniatures

20mm Iraqi civilians, Insurgents, US Army, Merc's, Police, Terrorists, Townspeople, 
Russians Army, and African troops and support weapons

US infantry Squad

20mm Boxer Rebellion
Boxer Bandits
20mm Boxers, Imperial Chinese, Americans, British, French, 
Italian, Germans, Russian and Japanese troops - Over 120 different miniatures

28mm Road Warriors

Interceptor, Pickup trucks, weapons packs, hand weapons
28mm Steam Punk
Automaton                Conversion Pack      Lady Engineer NEW
Hand Weapons, accessory packs and adventurers

20mm Dark Future Estate sale painted and unpainted

28mm Pulp Speedboat

Order Here

Passenger and Driver for Pulp Boat or vehicles


Four 25mm Falcon USA Lines For Sale

ALL 25mm - Medieval  -  Ancient Roman & Barbarians  -  WW2  -  Fantasy

Priority $39.70 global priority, insured up to 200.00US against loss or damage.

Or email your order and I will give you a postage price based on the exact weight and size.

We have had requests from some of our customers to make special orders, or pay for figures they are sending to us for painting so we have added this donation button so you can send in the amounts for those orders

Thank You